CPRE Rutland is hosting a public information event at the Victoria Hall in Oakham on…

Climate Emergency Declared. …What next?
What does the Climate Emergency mean for us? And what practical action can we take?
On Wednesday, 15 March, Stamford Climate Action Group will host a public meeting at Stamford Town Hall, with keynote speaker John Grant from Sheffield Hallam University, a specialist in sustainability, low carbon and climate resilience.
This free event is for anyone living or working in the area who wants to know more about how climate change will impact our community and what we can do to help us prepare. People living in Rutland are very welcome!
John Grant will discuss his own experience of climate change, from irrefutable proof of the issues, to what he hoped would be a global rallying call, and his desire for greater action.
There will also be an opportunity to put climate-related questions to a panel of local experts, including Martin Ballard, Jo Kemp and Kelly Greer. Questions can be submitted in advance or on the door.
Doors open from 6.30pm. Register for free via Eventbrite ,via e-mail to townhall@stamfordtowncouncil.gov.uk or by phone on 01780 753808.